Eighty-eight-year-old Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today asked in his sangat darshan schedule at Karamgarh village.He said to the public vote for him and give another chance to prove himself and saying he need to spend 10 more years to his life.
Parkash SinghBadal is one of the oldest Chief Minister in the country and fifth time as Chief Minister.In an interaction with the media Badal said Delhi CMArvind Kejriwal’s is a bunch of lies between the SAD and Congress.
He asked PPCC chief Capt Amarinder Singh as a king of palaces. Amarinder is partially worried about the welfare of people and would disposses the people of the subsidies being given to them by the BJP government.Badal on the resignation of Navjot Kaur Sidhu told that she resigned for some personal issues. Badal said that i always supported Navjot Kaur Sidhu. On the FCI allowing 21 per cent moisture in paddy in Haryana not for Punjab. The FCI takes a decision in this regard and the state do not anything about decision.
Parkash Singh Badal said he is always ready for solving the public issues and will take good decision for public So he said to the public for giving him another chance to prove himself