Officials said that on Sunday midnight The Badha minor canal undergo from a 20-25 feet breach. Today it is reported that a government school, water works building and paddy crop in five acres land were flooded in Fazilka town.
Some of the villagers told that walls of a old factory was also affected as the flow of water pushed the walls as well as boundary walls of some houses were also affected by the flooded water.
They also told that Badha minor canal maintenance is very poor and also because of the garbage filling this breach occurs. There are so many breaches had occurred in Badha minor canal that will be repaired as soon as possible.
And also because of heavy rainfall since Saturday a breach has occurred in Daulatpura minor in Abohar. Because of this hundreds of houses were affected. Today it is noticed that 30 acres of land of Cotton crop, some orchards of kinnow were merged because of this breach.
Some of the villagers told that they informed the concerned officials but they were feared that effusive water may affect the national highway.