Nitin Gadkari yesterday announced a high speed travel from Amritsar to Delhi. Which will take only 2 hrs, 30 mins from Amritsar to Delhi .
Gadkari was in Roper for laying the foundation stone of the four-laning project that is of Ropar-Phagwara national highway. He told that the work will start before Republic Day and also told that on the demand of the state government road between Jalandhar and Ajmer would also be built on the cost of 8000 Crore by the centre. This will help the traders and makes easy to reach Mumbai for them.
He told that for road network in Punjab around Rs 2 Lakh Crore will be spent in coming years. Foundation stone of the four and six-laning laid by him and these roads will have longer life because roads will be built using the concrete. Also two flyovers on the Sutlej are also approved which will cost Rs 250 crore.
He also offered around Rs 15000 Crore budget for setting up logistic parks in the Punjab state which will help the farmers in saving their crops.